Recycling enables to save the renewable as well as non-renewable material resources and significantly contributes to the protection of the ecological stability of the environment. Non-ferrous metals are one of the most important industrial materials. The high rate of their recycling so much lowers the burden of the environment.
In comparison to the raw metals, the recycled scrap materials save energy, minerals, water and lower the negative impact on the environment. The sorted our scrap of non-ferrous metals is a valuable material for the production of new semi-products. An important factor is the sorted our scrap which may be used directly for the produced semi-products.
Non-ferrous metals are still preferred to the replacement materials and in many aspects they are unreplaceable for their long life, good machining ability, resistance to temperatures and possibility of recycling.

The environmental policy of the company is based on commitment, knowledge and managing abilities of the company management, technical experts and employees that influence the environment in all the localities where the company SAKER spol. s r.o. operates. The company has introduced the environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with the international standard ČSN EN ISO 14001 : 2016. The target of EMS is the lowering of the business risks in the area of environment.